Government agencies often encounter obstacles which may be overcome through the use of behavioral analysis.

This includes civilian law enforcement as well as agencies within entities such as the Department of Defense and Homeland Security, and these may be operational or training related. 

Law enforcement agencies frequently face challenges with unsolved cases, especially those which have languished for years.  In many of these, investigators and prosecutors can benefit from a different methodology which utilizes behavioral analysis. This fresh approach would include an independent review of all previously-collected evidence, leading to consideration of future possible steps to be taken to bring the case to a successful conclusion.  

Non-law enforcement governmental agencies often have unique training needs that may benefit from a behavioral perspective.  For example, US Government personnel must be vigilant in personal security across various environments. A key point of focus for improving security is situational awareness, which requires not only an understanding of physical surroundings, but also the behavior of potentially hostile individuals within those surroundings.

The services offered by TBAC are based on extensive experience working with a multitude of agencies and objective, research-based knowledge of how subjects think and behave.

Relevant government/law enforcement services include:

  • Analysis of homicides and sexual assaults 
  • Unknown offender profiles
  • Equivocal death analysis
  • Customized behavioral analysis training in related areas
  • Investigative strategies 
  • Media strategies
  • Threat assessment
  • Prosecutive strategies

Let's talk about how we can tailor our services to meet your needs.