Behavioral Analysis

Behavioral analysis is the detailed examination of behavior to assess an individual’s personality.

Understanding an individual’s personality is a factor which may be utilized to identify offenders in criminal matters, assess insider threat, assess sex offender risk, or aid in persuasion in various settings.  Behavioral analysis is based on two foundational principles: the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and behavior reflects personality.



The TRident Logo

The prongs of the trident in the TBAC logo respectively represent experience in behavioral analysis which is utilized to conduct operations and training.  The trident is blue in color to signify the basis from which the experience is derived is a career in law enforcement. The gray background reflects the ambiguous nature of human behavior. 

Trident BAC Team


Jim Beasley

Jim was a Special Agent in the FBI for over 30 years, with the last 14 years of his career spent as a Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) at Quantico, Virginia.  He spent the majority of his time in the NCAVC’s Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) – 3, dealing with crimes against children.  While there he provided operational and analytical assistance in criminal investigations involving a variety of violent crimes, including child abduction, child sexual victimization, and serial murder and sexual assault.  The operational support involved behaviorally-based analysis of violent offenders in such specific areas as risk, personality and threat assessment. 

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